Saturday, February 20, 2010

fill in the blank friday

It's late, I know..but I just had to take part....

1. If I could medal in an olympic event it would be in snowboarding. Someday soon I'd really love to learn and then impress sexy beast Shaun White of my mad skills. :P

2. If I was stranded on a deserted island I'd take my fellow lady-bloggers. Because they rock my socks and I know they'd be amazing company.

3. any sort of bug are my most irrational fear.

4. I'd rather be working at a bookstore everyday, than working on a farm everyday.

5. I am really enjoying the Olymics! Again, someone break me off a slice of that Flying Tomato!

6. I should really be sleeping.

7. One of my favorite things in all the world is laughter. Someone needs to bottle some up for me because I miss it terribly.

Sorry to end on a sad note! But I do miss true, good laughter, :/. Hope everyone had a lovely Friday! Come back soon for some big news and big changes!

Much Love,

- L

1 comment:

  1. shaun white IS amazing!!! but my sexy olympian is APOLO. yum!!!

    i think it's neat that you work on a farm :)

    #7... awww hugs to you!! xo


you're brilliant, thanks so much for commenting!