Tuesday, February 8, 2011

hey you

i took some photos of some pretty french macarons.

if you'd like to see them, keep scrolling.

(all SOOC, film.)

also, i'm back on flickr. check it out.



  1. Oh my! I love these photos and want those macaroons!!!

  2. I have been seeing these adorable macaroons lately and I want some! Did you make them?? or buy them?? Anyhow these pictures are awesome, and they look so delicious! mmmMMmmm

  3. Great photos.... Yummy!

  4. Love these photos!! I can't wait to get my own camera... Maybe that'll be my tax return present! :) What kind do you think I should get first?

  5. Those rival the photos of macarons I took at Versailles. Touche!! ahaha

  6. those are so pretty (and let's be honest, i'm drooling now)! i know i've said id before, and at the risk of sounding like a broken record, i'll say it again...you are so talented!

  7. p.s. what camera and film did you use to take these?

  8. BEAUTIFUL photographs!!!

    can i just admit and be the loser and say i've never had a macaron!

    these really are GORGEOUS! easily hang them up in your kitchen or dining room :)

    i'm sooo sorry i keep missing you! things were a little hectic this way but hopefully things will slow down. my husband FINALLY has two days off from 40 days straight... crazy! i promise to catch up soon!

  9. I really want to try making these but for some reason i'm scared. Is that normal? i mean...they're just biscuits right?! x


you're brilliant, thanks so much for commenting!