Wednesday, August 17, 2011

a thrifting adventure

Last week, S and I (along with his partner) went thrifting. All day long. Yes, it was a lovely adventure.

The point of the trip was to build S a new wardrobe as he would wear the same generic plain t-shirt and shorts combination every single day. I think the total at the end of the day was around $50 for his loot of about 15 shirts, 5-10 pairs of jeans and pants PLUS the infamous $6.50 suit. It was so much fun shopping with him because A. - I love and know a lot about men's fashion and he doesn't, so I got to teach him a few things. And B. - Even though we were already close, I think it was a really good day of bonding.

I basically was on the hunt for more records and would up bringing home 20+, including a very special one for Miss Micaela. I also found a pretty vintage dress that I love and got for only $2 on sale; but it's going to take a bit more of my juice diet to fit into comfortable-ly. It looks like it's from the 60's and was marked with the 50% off tag that week, so I just couldn't NOT get it, right?

My next post I'll post photos of something else adventurous that happened the following day, which I'm still getting used to, but! For now, here's some little memories from the day.

Because I have an odd taste in art, I LOVED this print. But no, didn't buy it because I already have too much art that ISN'T hanging up in my apartment. 

 It was a 'My Fair Lady' kind of day. I found 3 different MFL play and movie records.

We couldn't get over how awesome and hilarious this shirt was.  

My heart skipped a beat when I found this treasure.  

S is six feet tall and I made the comment that since I'd never seen him in jeans, when he tried on all these different pairs, it somehow made him look even taller. 

An owl find that I'm going to send to Lady Danielle

'Only an overweight drag queen on vacation would wear this.'

Creepy, ugly jackets we lost lungs laughing at. 

These shoes photograph better than they look in real life.  

I almost, almost bought this.  

Every Goodwill we went to had this many records or even more. I was in thrifting heaven. 

Mr Cole went on my record player and hasn't left since last Wednesday. 

 Before our last couple stops, we headed to Five Guys to get some dinner.

I took this picture right before i stood up and spilled my entire drink all over the my chair and the floor. Good thing we were the only ones there on that rainy day.

Isn't it so atheral and lovely? You could not have said no as well, right? 

And here is the oh so infamous $6.50 suit. Can you tell he was thrilled with this find?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

flowers + secrets

A while back, I purchased my first Fieldguided creation. I love this pretty little tote; especially the fact that it is ACTUALLY screenprinted by hand. I love this quote, it's so simplistic and complicated at the same time. The next tote from Anabela & Geoff I would like love to add to my closet is either the '43rd Parallel' tote or the classic 'Thunder In Our Hearts'. Go check out their shop, it's quite the lovely place! You'll surely find just as many pieces to love as I did. 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Did you know?

(photo by yours truly; film, SOOC.)

A story of three souls...

Did you know that life can change.

Did you know that your heart can become anew.

Did you think that people were true.

I saw love come and go.

I wished it to be mine.

Did you know of a folley that revealed opposite.

Did you see his eyes turn to passion.

I did.

I saw them come alive from ages and times hidden away.

Did you know of a heart turned from love.

Did you know it could open it's eyes and accept kindness.

I thought such notions died.

I never hoped to be the exception and not the rule.

Did you see a souless man care for someone he's yet to know.

Did you see him say he cares.

Did you know that fate had stepped in when it was never expected.

I thought we were dreaming.

I heard fate telling me this was a soul of value.

Did you know this heart had never loved long before.

Did you know life decided it was time.

Did you see him coming.

I didn't.

I didn't see either of them.

Did you hear life telling me it was time.

Did you hear her whispering to them.

I knew loneliness was in a vanished scuffle.

I knew my heart was finding shelter.

I knew.